As mulheres de Tijucopapo | Supersônica

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As mulheres de Tijucopapo

of Marilene Felinto

available here


Leaving the state of São Paulo behind, Rízia drives alone along the BR 116 highway towards Tijucopapo, Pernambuco, the town where her mother was born. On her journey, she is accompanied by the sun, by her anger and by a landscape of babassu palms and mocambos. We listen to her stream of consciousness as she thinks about the history of the women in her family, the love she lost, her father’s betrayals, her childhood in 1960s Recife and the letter in English she needs to send. In her fierce writing, Marilene Felinto mixes the past and the future, fiction and autobiography.


Roberta Estrela D’Alva (Diadema, São Paulo, 1978) is an actress, director, researcher and poet. She is a founding member of Núcleo Bartolomeu de Depoimentos | Teatro Hip Hop and Frente 3 de Fevereiro collective. She is the creator of ZAP! Zona Autónoma da Palavra and curator of the Rio Poetry Slam (FLUP). Together with Tatiana Lohmman, she directed the documentary SLAM – Voz de Levante (2018).

author Marilene Felinto

Marilene Felinto was born in Recife, Pernambuco, in 1957, and moved with her family to São Paulo in 1968. She has a degree in Literature from the University of São Paulo. She wrote Autobiografia de uma escrita de ficção – Ou: porque as crianças brincam e Os escritores escrevem, fama e infâmia: uma crítica ao jornalismo brasileiro, Contos reunidos and Sinfonia de contos de infância, among other books.

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