O cemitério dos vivos | Supersônica

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O cemitério dos vivos

of Lima Barreto

Ilustração de formas geométricas na cor preta. Três retângulos com o topo arredondado, que lembram portas ou lápides, uma ao lado da outra sendo a do meio ligeiramente maior. Todas possuem traços longitudinais que lembra rasgos. Fundo lilás

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Laís Lacôrte is an actress, singer and songwriter from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Trained at the group Teatro Universitário from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), she has been part of the cast of several musicals, including the acclaimed Musical Elza, and was awarded by the Musical Rio website as a breakthrough actress. In 2018, she released her first EP, with songs written in partnership with Richard Neves. In 2022, she was part of the cast of Língua brasileira, a musical directed by Felipe Hirsch with songs originally composed by Tom Zé.

author Lima Barreto

Lima Barreto (1881–1922) was born in Rio de Janeiro. Descended from slaves, he suffered social exclusion because of his origins, including in academic circles. His works bring a critical view of Brazilian society, discussing social differences and racial prejudice. He struggled with various health problems, as well as alcoholism, and was admitted to mental institutions more than once. He is the author of Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha (1909) and The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma (1915), among other books.

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